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Revolutionize Your User Engagement
Easily engage and retain you app users. All your customer data in accessible place. Get started with a free trial.
Your benefits
Why choose UseAward?
Poor user retention occurs in most mobile apps, we want to reinvent the way businesses think about their mobile apps.

UseAward's SDK is a seamless way to retain your app users by transforming their experience into a journey of collecting points and being rewarded.
Men browsing through possibilities  of rewards in laptop illustration
Unlockable Rewards
Turn your app into an enjoyable experience that rewards it's users - your clients and make sure that they stay with your company.
Women looking at dashboard illustration
Personalized Dashboard
Use your own control panel to make the content customization process easy! It's a better way to adjust your app to your clients' needs.
Men holding a trophy and handbag
Sponsors and Prizes
Make use of the data on how the app users interact with your brand, and improve how you build relationships with them.
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We'll contact you soon and figure out how we can improve your app with UseAward - SDK.

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Let us know how can we an help you retain more app users using gamification.
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